You know how bad it is when you see Microsoft Office clip art logos on the sides of trucks? It can get worse than that. Much worse. Really. I found the proof at
Category Archives: Design
Tech Pillows: For Your Sleepy Inner Nerd
OK, I just want to make sure everyone understands right up front that I don’t have some kind of pillow fetish just because I happen to come across cool stuff that so happens to be, well, pillow shaped. That said, how can you possibly resist something as cool as your own RSS pillow, or maybe your own Mac app pillow set?
August 4: Talking Fonts at IDUG
The Denver InDesign User Group asked me to come talk about fonts at their August meetings, so of course I agreed. Let’s just call this little presentation “The Secret Lives of Fonts.”
Layers Magazine: CopyFlow Gold Review
It’s not like I ever leave my desk, so I might as well make your life easier by reviewing products every now and then. That’s exactly why I reviewed CopyFlow Gold for the May/June 2009 issue of Layers Magazine. Well, that and it looked like a really slick product.
Adobe, Now in Sweet Pillowy Goodness
After spending a long day with your face buried deep in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, what do you want to rest your talented little head on? How about Adobe application icon pillows. Yeah, me too.