After spending a long day with your face buried deep in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, what do you want to rest your talented little head on? How about Adobe application icon pillows. Yeah, me too.

The clever gang at mysuitestuff whipped up a collection of hand-made pillows that let you bring Adobe’s app icons off your Desktop and onto your couch so you never have to worry about letting the Creative Suite get too far away. They have pillows for Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver and After Effects. Each costs $15, and you can get the whole set for $80.
I’m thinking Photoshop will feel nice and comfy behind my head, but Dreamweaver will definitely go under my butt.
RT @devongovett: Adobe Icons, Now in Sweet Pillowy Goodness: #icons
Adobe Icons, Now in Sweet Pillowy Goodness: #adobe @devongovett