Hitting the Road: RSA and NAB 2009

Apparently I’m not satisfied with packing a single conference into a week because I’m about to head out to San Francisco for the RSA Conference 2009, and from there I go to Las Vegas for the 2009 National Association of Broadcasters conference. I’m especially looking forward to the RSA Conference because I’ll be speaking on a panel that’s discussing Mac security in the enterprise.


If you aren’t familiar with the RSA Conference, it’s an annual event for information and technology security. I’ll be speaking on the “Responding to the Ignored Threat – Macs in the Enterprise” panel with Jon Allen from Baylor University, Stan Gatewood from University Systems of Georgia, and John Dasher from PGP. That’s on Tuesday, April 21 at 1:30PM pacific time at the Moscone Center.

On Wednesday, I’ll be in Las Vegas for NAB, which is an insanely huge conference for the broadcasting world. There’s going to be tons of uber-cool stuff for me to check out, and yes, I’ll be reporting on what I find, so be sure to check out TMO for my event coverage.

Since I can’t seem to keep my big mouth shut, I’ll be tweeting about both events throughout the week, so you can follow along in real time. You know, I just love technology.

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