So I’m chatting with someone the other day and they said, “I went to seminary, but left after a year because the sex was so bad.”
Category Archives: Books
Worthy Podcast: From Design Into Print
My good friend Sandee Cohen is wrapping up work on her new book, From Design Into Print (Peachpit Press), which is wonderfully exciting. Equally exciting — and available right now — is her new companion podcast. By no small coincidence, it’s also called From Design Into Print, and is totally worth checking out.

Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual
When a book like Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual by Lesa Snider King comes along, you just know I’m chomping at the bit to review it. But through the interesting chain of events that is my life I ended up far more involved in helping out with getting this book out the door than I ever imagined would happen, which means that I’d feel just a wee-tad unethical offering up a review at The Mac Observer, or any of the other places my name crops up, including Design Tools Monthly.
Instead, I’ll give the book an endorsement right here. Hey, this is my blog. I can do whatever I want. Continue reading