Macworld/iWorld 2014 is coming up quickly, and this year will be pretty busy for me. Along with my usual event coverage, product hunting, and interviews for The Mac Observer, I’m speaking twice and have a couple live podcast events, too. Did I mention I’ll be busy? And I have a discount for you, too.
Category Archives: Apple
Chit Chat Across the Pond: I Get to Hang with Allison on Nosillacast
Getting invited to be on a podcast for the first time is always a blast for me, especially when it means I get to hang out with a great friend like Allison Sheridan. Yep, she asked me to be on the Chit Chat Across the Pond segment on her weekly Nosillacast Mac Podcast — and the fact that we chatted over the mountains instead of the ocean wasn’t lost on me.
October 1: Macintosh Computer Expo
One of the many things I just love about my job is getting to go to cool events and meet cool people. Where will I be doing that next, you ask? How about at the Macintosh Computer Expo on October 1 where I get to talk about bending cloud-based services to your whim.
The Steve Jobs Retirement-palooza
In case you missed the news last week, Apple’s long time CEO and rock star, Steve Jobs, turned in his executive restroom key and retired. Despite the way so many people reacted, no, he didn’t die. He just called it quits for the full-time Apple thing — and since I can’t shut my mouth, I had plenty to say about the whole thing.
It’s that Time Again: Macworld Expo 2011
Macworld Expo is only weeks away, and as always, I’ll be there. The event is filled with a week’s worth of vendor meetings, interesting conference sessions, awesome parties, and is an annual reunion with cool people that I may not see again for another year. Did I mention that I’m speaking at this year’s conference, too?