Apple kicked off its World Wide Developer Conference earlier this week with some pretty big announcements. You know, like iPhone 3G S, the iPhone Software 3.0 release date, and new MacBook Pro models. I spent all day on June 8 covering WWDC news, and now I’m going to spend the evening of June 11 at the Colorado Mac User Group talking about everything Apple dumped in our laps.

The ever-exciting Jay Nelson, CoMUG’s amazing leader, is out of town this week, so I’m going to be filling his shoes as host for the evening, too. That’s just in case you can’t get enough of me online.
The meeting is on June 11 at 7PM at the NCAR facility in Boulder. And don’t forget: The CoMUG crew also hangs out at Ihop in Boulder after the meetings. Pancakes, tech and free Wi-Fi. What more could you ask for?
The evening lineup along with directions is available at the CoMUG Web site.